
Neeti Dewan is a business woman, angel investor, author and motivational speaker who is passionate about helping executives and leaders lower their stress while enhancing productivity in the workplace. Neeti is a Global Tax and Finance Executive who’s had leadership roles in Fortune 500 companies, the Big 4 CPA firms and is an entrepreneur and investor. Born in Agra, the city of the Taj Mahal, Neeti moved to USA in her early teens. She credits the yogic upbringing she received in India as a crucial contributor to her corporate success in USA.

Neeti’s books are ideal for executives and leaders battling stress or healing from burnout. She’s combined her yogic background with insights gleaned from her leadership experience across some of the finest organizations in America to explore holistic ways of achieving success. In her first book, ‘From Executive To Yogi In 60 Seconds,’ Neeti shares mindset  and lifestyle habits through which you can remove stress while doubling productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

In her second book, ‘High Level Leadership, Low Level Stress,’ Neeti outlines innovative secrets that help you excel in business, improve profitability, increase margins and lead with your head and your heart – with kindness, engagement and inclusivity. She points out, “High stress is not necessary to succeed in business. In fact, it is counterproductive at every level. If we fill every corner of our minds with busy work, we leave no space for innovation, which is the genius of American business.”

Neeti’s biggest motivation for chasing success is that it amplifies her ability to give back. She began practicing philanthropy as a teenager, supporting the education of an African youth with a portion of her earnings from her part-time Pizza Hut job. The resulting joy she derived from this action was so immense that she knew she would be doing it lifelong.

She also realised that her ability to help others is directly proportional to her own success. She says, “If I was chasing success for only success’s sake, I doubt I would have the same level of satisfaction in life. But, working towards a goal greater than myself, it has allowed me to pursue excellence in life so that I can make a difference, no matter how small or big.”

Neeti’s list of successes include being listed among the “Most Successful Businesswomen To Watch in 2021” and being named “10 Best Women Leaders of 2020”=. She was recognized by the Los Angeles Business Journal as a ‘Woman Making A Difference,’ and was honored by the National Diversity Council as ‘The Most Powerful Women in Business’ in Georgia and Pennsylvania. Neeti serves as the Global Head of Tax at Club Car, a leading automotive firm.

Neeti is passionate about championing inclusive workspaces and is an advocate for diversity in leadership. She firmly believes that adding highly qualified diverse directors to corporate boards and company leadership leads not just to an equitable business world but also higher profits. She has served as a leader for 50/50 Women on Boards, an organization focused on achieving gender parity on corporate boards. She’s also served on the Board at Harvard University, Kennedy School (WLB), and the National Association of Women Business Owners. She has served on various corporate boards.

Neeti lives with her family in Atlanta, Georgia. She spends her free time reading, hiking, tasting different kinds of teas and breaking out in a dance every chance she gets.
